About Us
Welcome to Window Fellas! Seattle’s Home for Windows, Doors, Glass & Skywalls.

Windows, Doors, Glass & Skywalls from the Experts at Window Fellas.
Family owned and operated for over 20 years.
We launched our operation in Chicago twenty years ago, installing windows in some of the country’s most beautiful and complicated homes. The Windy City’s blazing summers and arctic winters taught us about the unique needs of homes regularly subjected to extreme weather. We learned that no two window installations are alike, a lesson that shapes much of how we operate today.

Unlike many other window experts, we understand that every home has its own beauty marks, challenges, and needs. As a result, we have relationships with all of the finest window manufacturers, not just one. In the same way that a sports car and a minivan would bring you to two different dealerships, the unique needs of your home may be best suited by a certain brand over another. Our objective is just that: objective. We scour our manufacturers for the perfect window for your project, without limiting your options to a single favored brand.
The only thing we lack? Salespeople. We don’t believe in selling; we believe in meeting needs. That’s why our customers only deal with actual installers. When you discuss your needs with one of our professionals, they’ll be back onsite for your window and door installation. No middlemen, no subcontractors, no confusion.
As Seen on Fox News!
We genuinely love residential windows, and have been learning about our trade for decades. Our knowledge is your knowledge: we take pleasure in educating our customers about the processes we’ll undergo, the methods we’ll use, and why. Some companies keep details to a minimum in the name of efficiency, but we enjoy what we do and are happy to explain our methods to our customers.
Just like our customers choosing energy efficienct windows and doors, we are doing our part by switching to electric vehicles!